In this collection, my goal is to depict the intricate nature of those enigmatic emotions that reside in the hidden corners of our souls, veiled in quietness, which we either choose to conceal or struggle to express.
As life becomes increasingly challenging, our need for gentleness grows ever stronger. In all their delicate beauty, I believe that flowers serve as the very bedrock of sentimentality and affection. It is from these blossoms that the exquisite pieces in this collection have been fashioned, each infused with its tale. These narratives strive to reawaken emotions, and sensations that may have been lost amid the monotony of everyday life.
Love therapy
In adoration of you
Worshipping the earth
Between trees
Blessing of sunshine
Giving Flower
Forough Flora
In this collection, my goal is to depict the intricate nature of those enigmatic emotions that reside in the hidden corners of our souls, veiled in quietness, which we either choose to conceal or struggle to express.
As life becomes increasingly challenging, our need for gentleness grows ever stronger. In all their delicate beauty, I believe that flowers serve as the very bedrock of sentimentality and affection. It is from these blossoms that the exquisite pieces in this collection have been fashioned, each infused with its tale. These narratives strive to reawaken emotions, and sensations that may have been lost amid the monotony of everyday life.